
Testing of chainsaw protective clothing

Testing of personal protective equipment for chainsaw users, including trousers, jackets, gloves, and boots according to European and international standards.


When working with a chainsaw it is essential to use personal protective equipment (PPE) to reduce the risk for serious injuries. This equipment must conform to certain safety requirements to provide the required level of safety. One of the major areas of testing in our test facilities in Umeå is within PPE for chainsaw users where we have customers from all over the world. Testing is done according to several European and international test standards.


We have the only accredited test rig for testing of chainsaw protective clothing in Sweden and this is also one of few test rigs in Europe. The test rig for cutting resistance fulfills the requirements in EN ISO 11393-1 och EN 381-1. This rig can also be used for evaluation of protective materials and saw chains.

We perform accredited testing according to the quality standard ISO 17025 and issue accredited test reports according to several international and European standards such as the EN ISO 11393-series, the EN 381-series and AS/NZS 4453. The tests are performed on personal protective equipment for chainsaw users, including trousers, jackets, gloves and boots. Apart from the test for cutting resistance we also perform tests/checks of ergonomics, attachment strength, protective coverage, dimensional change, etc. Pre-treatment according to EN ISO 6330 can be done prior to the testing.


Accredited test reports are issued and can be used for the EU type-examination (certification) of the product.


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Testing of protective clothing for chainsaw users


Product safety, Testing




EN ISO 11393-1, EN ISO 11393-2, EN ISO 11393-3, EN ISO 11393-4, EN ISO 11393-6, EN 381-1, EN 381-2, EN 381-3, EN 381-4, EN 381-5, EN 381-7, EN 381-10, EN 381-11, AS/NZS 4453.3, EN ISO 17249.


Price on tender

Delivery time

The delivery time will depend on the scope of the testing, but results can normally be reported within two weeks from the finished test.


Agreement on test standards, tests and number and sizes of test objects that will be included.
