Eurotest Certification
EuroTest is a trademark for a third-party certification. This means that a product with the EuroTest certification has been reviewed by a third party that has assessed that the product has been manufactured in compliance with the essential health and safety requirements specified in relevant directives and regulations.
Even though the EU's product safety directives state that the manufacturer is responsible for CE marking, there is always the option to voluntarily engage an expert, an accredited certification body. Since the manufacturer has significant product liability, it provides an extra level of assurance to obtain an independent opinion (inspection report) and a certificate stating that the CE marking is in compliance with the directives and regulations.
By having the EuroTest certificate, the manufacturer has taken the necessary steps to ensure compliance with the requirements. The EuroTest certificate strengthens the CE marking by demonstrating to the market that a third party has reviewed the product and found it to meet the safety requirements of the relevant directives, regulations, and standards.
By choosing a certification body that is also a notified body, you ensure that the certification body has undergone quality evaluation. SMP is a notified body for the Machinery Directive and the PPE Regulation (concerning protective clothing for work with chainsaws and high-visibility clothing).
SMP performs inspections on the product and the technical manufacturing documentation against the requirements. This inspection can be carried out either at SMP's premises or at the customer's location, depending on the agreed-upon arrangement.
SMP has the capability to inspect both the product and the technical documentation and, after any necessary modifications have been made by the manufacturer, certify that the product meets the health and safety requirements specified in relevant standards, regulations, and directives. Following the initial inspection, the customer will receive an inspection report that clarifies the status of the product and technical documentation. Upon approval of the inspection report, the customer can obtain a EuroTest certificate.
Having a EuroTest certificate also allows the customer to use the EuroTest logo on the product as a marking authorization.
EuroTest certificates are issued by certification bodies that are members of the EuroTest cooperation. In Sweden, SMP is the organization that issues EuroTest certificates. The certificate becomes a well-recognized and important proof of quality throughout Europe.
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The customer contacts SMP and requests EuroTest certification. The order is made in writing, either via email/phone or by completing a contract form.
EuroTest certification is a voluntary type examination of machinery.
Other certifications
Direktiv 2006/42/EG, EU Förordning 2016/425
Price on tender
Delivery time
The execution of the assignment will be carried out according to the agreed-upon timeframe. The inspection report will be submitted within three weeks after the completion of the inspection.
Retrieve the product for inspection and compile the technical manufacturing documentation.